Hearing Tests and Assessments


A full set of hearing tests are carried out to determine your hearing ability and condition and health of your ears.
Because Hearing is personal
If you think you may be having problems with your hearing, whether that be hearing loss or discomfort, a thorough ear examination should uncover what is wrong. 
We will take the time to maintain and improve your hearing quality and ear health.


The Hearing Test starts with a chat to understand you and some medical issues that may affect you and your hearing loss.
​We then conduct a visual examination of your external ear canals and tympanic membranes (eardrums) with an otoscope to check that your outer ears are clear and healthy.
We record your hearing thresholds by pure tone to find the quietest sounds you can hear using the audiogram. Speech audiometry is used to help us to understand what you may be missing in speech through word tests and tympanometry can also be used to show eardrum function.

At the end of the assessment, you will be given a clear and non-technical explanation of your results. We will give you our expert advice and explain what we can do to help but some results show you may need to be referred on for further medical investigation.
Recommendations and reports can be written if and when required with a summary of your hearing test results.
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